A Train to Hell is a horror-western comic created by Francesco Ferrigno. The story is about a man named Dutch Donaldson who is hanged for a crime not committed. Suddenly he finds himself in a limbo between the living world and the afterlife, when at one point a ghostly train enveloped in flames appears.So Duch meets Flegias the demon ferryman, who invites him to board the train, but Dutch begs to be spared, and says he has a wife and a daughter on earth and that they need him. Dutch also confesses to wanting to kill Ramon Torres, the man who hanged him. Strangely Flegias seems to show pity and proposes to Dutch a deal: He will return to earth in the form of undead for seven days to take the soul of the man who killed him and swap it with his own, but if we fail the train will take him to hell forever ...
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