N°~11 The one where they're in a predicament
May 27, 2014
Sorry for the time I make you wait between the episodes, I was studying for exams and passing them ! It took a lot of time from me, and I couldn't even take a moment to draw. Well, now that I'm in vacation, the rhythm should get regular once again ! Please comment on this episode and share it if you like it, your love is the best of motivations !
Before Nash even realized there was something behind him, Pimouss jumps with his claws armed, ready to deal with anything that threatens them. Visibly surprised, the bear cub fumbles backwards and falls into the river. He regains his senses and slowly crawls towards our little kitten, who hides behind a furious Pimouss.
Avant même que Nash se rende compte de la présence derrière lui, Pimouss s'élance, pinces en avant, prêt à en découdre avec l'adversaire. Visiblement surpris, l'ourson panique et tombe dans la rivière, assommé. Il reprend finalement ses esprits et s'avance vers le chaton, appeuré, caché derrière un Pimouss très remonté.
Top comment
Mais, Pimouss et un vrai gangster! Et c'est marrant Nash derrière un petit comme Pimouss qui le protège. Pas besoin de dire que j'aime beaucoup cette histoire, félicitations :)
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