No Man's Sky promises a universe so vast you'd need 5 billion years to visit each planet for a second. Crazy talk. Furthermore, it has a lot to do! Explore, land your ship and wander around, fight space pirates, etc.
People got so excited, they issued death threats to the devs when they pushed the title back for some polish. This is a big release and it was done by a mostly independent group of guys. I love the spirit of it a LOT!
Ophelia would DEFINITELY play No Man's Sky and she'd likely pursue the path to being a pirate. Since it's all PvE, I don't have a problem with that (no griefing). However, I should caution people who are reading this and haven't heard much: combat isn't a huge focus.
Society Case Files: One Shots visits the characters from my other series in their normal lives, hanging out at work, playing video games or catching films.
It's a light hearted view into the character's lives and what they enjoy when they're not saving the world.
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