In a ravaging, unforgivable Post - Apocalyptic United States, Brothers Josh and Ricky Carlin are respected scavengers in the small town of Garages, PFKT. (Province Formally Known as Texas). When they are hired for an unusual job by the town's mayor, the brothers come up with a quick scheme to make some quick cash. However, their easy - money plot soon turns into an unexpected grand adventure...
Brothers Josh and Ricky Carlin are scavengers living in a post - apocalyptic world where scrap metal is a rare but precious valuable resource. They get by with their small scavenging business, until they discover that all their scrap was stolen. So, the brothers set out on an adventure to get it back. Along the way they will come across many dangers, discover new and strange places, make new friends and foes, and struggle to survive in an unknown, harsh new world. It's a long road to revenge! (Book is in progress - Updates will come as soon as they get done!)
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