(First of all! Allow me to apologize for being so very AFK from Tapastic. As you can see, I am now at the very end of my pregnancy and frankly I'm overwhelmed with all that must be done before my son's arrival! I will continue to be AFK for who-knows-how-long as I juggle life with a new baby. Thank you for your patience!)
The photo shown here is a design I came up with to celebrate the arrival of my precious baby boy, Titan!
The art is more than just a story about the creative process and how we deal with the challenge of daily life, but it is a story of what I went through this last year...
Starting with joy.
Building my dreams.
Ending everything in flames.
Drowning in emotion.
New life sprouting.
These cycles of the elements apply to us all and it is up to each of us how we handle the transformations.
How can you use these forces in your life to create instead of destroy?
Lastly, dragon near the bottom of the design represents Gabriel, the soul of my little boy and all his unfathomable love... a reminder that we are never truly apart from the ones we love.
This comic is a conversation about life's trials and triumphs. Things aren't always right and fair... but magic can be found everywhere.
Alchemy (in mythology) is about turning lead into gold. Alchemy (in life) is about something heavy, like sorrow, pain, guilt, anger, fear... and turning it into light, strength, wisdom, hope and love.
I will be sharing a lot of personal stories here, and I hope that isn't uncomfortable for anyone. The purpose behind being so open is threefold.
1- To facilitate greater healing for myself as I share my stories in a way I never have before.
2- To facilitate greater healing for others who also have difficult stories.. maybe stories they cannot share.
3- To bring greater understanding for those who have never experienced these sort of pains in their own life and want to gain insight and sympathy.
Whatever you get out of this series, I want you to know that I sincerely believe you can take anything in your life and use it for good. A stepping stone instead of a stumbling block.
Your soul is the Philosopher's Stone. Use it to turn lead into gold. Shine with the greatest potential you have locked away inside.
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