This is a long time over due,
recently, I learned what a community Tapastic can be, I've seen it second hand before, people collectively do amazing things to help inspire, and support creators. The simplest words can have the biggest impact on people over the internet, and we're all so blessed to be a part of this community (I say community a lot because the longer I use this platform, the more I feel I actually know the people who I support, and who use it alongside me). Thank you, thank you, your support is what is inspiring me to continue this series (which I will update whenever I have something ready, school is hard, I can't set schedules). You have all been so kind, you, yes you; you know who you are.
Thank you.
I want to give you guys something else, would you want to see some of my personal art, or have a Q&A (Tapastic loves Q&A's)?
Tapastic is the best, right? :D keep on drawing! and about the P.S..... personal art would be cool, and Q&A could be pretty interesting too! I vote both, is possible > w <
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