A futuristic action comic focusing on a online simulator fighting game called XenoLectric Advance that takes place in another dimension powered by the company XenoLectric, which is extremely popular with the younger/teenage audience in their hometown. The story focuses on a young player named Arinori, who grows & faces through many challenges, as well as XenoLectric as an huge oncoming threat is targeting them.
Update is every 2 weeks on Fridays.
3 weeks when an issue is complete.
Also each issue has a song to listen to!
As you may know while reading through the comic so far, there has been some changes made. So here is a list of noticeable changes I've made through out the comic:
- The Art style (from Issue 2 onwards)
- School uniforms (Issue 2)
- Aero's name is Arinori (Issue 2 onwards)
- Natsuo's name has changed to Nat (from Issue 3 onwards)
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