Someone above made a comment about this being like SaO, and it seems that way in some ways, but what comes to mind is: Well... i wouldnt have put that goddang headset on again! I would go buy a normal one from the store!
"Magience" was a new video game, one you could play while awake OR asleep thanks to an innovative headset. No one was quite sure the exact technology behind it, only that it was top-of-the-line and very mysterious.
In a world of fantasy, players get one character to level and adventure with, exploring an infinitely growing and evolving world.
However, it's not long before people start to notice certain oddities, and certain strange theories and rumors start popping up all over the place, both in game and in real life.
Crazy as it sounded, what if "Magience" wasn't just a game after all?
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