Did anyone notice that the fancy black car was popping up in the background a lot? Because no-one appeared to have noticed the smiley face on Kinci's shirt changing expressions according to his mood, either.
Yeah, the Quall Family Butler's been trailing them since early on. You know, making sure they stayed on the road, off The Surface, and out of trouble. But we'll get a proper introduction to him in Episode 2, just you wait.
You know, a few pages earlier, a few people commented on "the android in the room" so to speak, and I was so confused, thinking to myself "HOw did they figure it out, there's no way, where did I go wrong aaAHHHH"
but it turns out
it's in the friggin description of the comic.
Shaking my head, guys. Shaking. My. Head.
At myself, of course. Sheesh. Newbie mistakes, amirite?
.... but no worries, guys, I have an even biGGER TWIST COMING UP IN NEXT WEEK'S UPDATE! MWAHAHAHAHA I'M SO EXCITED!!
Anyone have any predictions on what it could be??? :D
A Weird Fiction/Dramedy about the misadventures of Mirai Yuudai and her quest to unearth the mystery behind the disappearance of her best friend Zoun Quall. Mutated flesh-technology hybrids have taken over the surface, and one such hybrid, by the name of Jason Maxwell, may be the key to discovering just what in the heck happened to Zoun exactly.
Currently on ~~~HIATUS~~~
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