here is my intrepetation of the story: the boy (let's call him Sebastian) wants to be somebody else. The him in "me" is the him he wants to show to everyone, it's his mask. A mask which has melted nethertheless still a mask, its not ... him. As seen in "me" he goes in his everyday life which he thinks is boring seeing as how there was not much detail (eg. "talking..." "walking...") put into it. In " You" he meets his real me. the Sebastian he is and wants to be- the "you" is a metaphor for his crisis. He was having a personal crisis and the Sebastian he wanted to be was killing the "real" Sebastian as a metaphor for him taking of the mask and being the real him. The Sebastian he is, not the Sebastian his parental figures want him to be. In "us" the back story was revealed and the part where the mother says that she will decide everything in his life is when he starts being consumed by what his parental figures want him to be. The mask she was wearing was of a white bird, a dove, representing peace- fake peace as shown on how it was a MASK, Sebastian thought he could have found peace in succumbing to their demands but it didn't. It didn't give him inner peace- and the end of "you" was symbolism and was a happy ending for Sebastian as he won the fight against himself and decided that he was his own person.
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