Phil, the Carnotaur, was on his way to wreak havoc on a platoon stationed in North America when he himself was attacked, and killed by a pack of Dromaes, known as Deinons, who were hunting big game, and decided to attack and eat the bastard.
The raptors don't usually prey on soldiers. This is an odd case.
Even weirder, one of the Deinons who killed Phil turned out to be a photographer.
フィル、Carnotaur、彼自身を攻撃、Dromaes、大きな、狩猟が、攻撃し、粗悪品を食べることを決めた Deinons として知られているのパックによって殺害と北アメリカで駐留小隊に大混乱をもたらすに彼の方法にあった。
Weirder、フィルを殺した Deinons の 1 つ、写真家であることが判明します。
Phil, Carnotaur, oli hänen tapa wreak havoc joukkue asevoimille Pohjois-Amerikassa, kun hän itse oli hyökkäyksen ja Dromaes, tunnetaan Deinons, jotka olivat metsästys big game ja päätti hyökätä ja syödä sinä olet tähti Packin lopetettu.
Raptors ei yleensä harjoitellaan sotilaat. Tämä on pariton tapauksessa.
Jopa weirder, yksi Deinons, joka tappoi Phil osoittautui valokuvaaja.
This series takes place on the Planet Terra, an Earth that 10 times as big as The Earth you know, where all the Theropod dinosaurs are still alive. This series will be funny AND scary, and hopefully EPIC. The Deinonychosaurs and Oviraptors are at war with eath other; the Torvodonts are apex predators on land; Civilization is in check; War is constant; EON (The Evils of Nature) is in Power; and weird shit happens. I must warn you all that extreme violence, plenty of gore, and graphic language will be present, so this is not a kids comic.
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