We've ALL been there; One moment you're having a nice ride on the road, and then suddenly you get road rage; some dumbass or doucebag cut you off, bumped into you, or follows you with ill intent.
Some of us, however, may get road rage without even being a motorist, like Homer Willis, riding with his motorist buddy Alex Conner, for example.
"Bloody hell, I'm suffering from Road Rage, and I'm not even driving!"
我々 はすべてがされている;1 つの瞬間、道路、素敵に乗ると、突然道の激怒を得る;いくつかの dumbass または、カットの doucebag に、ぶつかったまたは、病気の意図を次のように。
「血の地獄、私は道路の怒りから、苦しんでいるとも運転してる !」
Olemme kaikki olleet siellä; Hetki olet ottaa Nizzan ratsastaa tiellä, ja sitten yhtäkkiä saat road rage; Jotkin dumbass tai doucebag, jotka on leikattu pois, tulee sinun bumped tai seuraa sairas tietoisena.
Jotkut meistä kuitenkin saada road rage ilman, että edes motorist, kuten Homer Willis, Ratsastus hänen motorist kaveri Alex Conner kanssa esimerkiksi.
"Bloody helvettiä I kärsin Road Rage, ja olen ei edes ajo!"
This series takes place on the Planet Terra, an Earth that 10 times as big as The Earth you know, where all the Theropod dinosaurs are still alive. This series will be funny AND scary, and hopefully EPIC. The Deinonychosaurs and Oviraptors are at war with eath other; the Torvodonts are apex predators on land; Civilization is in check; War is constant; EON (The Evils of Nature) is in Power; and weird shit happens. I must warn you all that extreme violence, plenty of gore, and graphic language will be present, so this is not a kids comic.
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