The technician sighed as he scribbled down the newest information on the screen about subject Ten. The pressure to perfect Ten was mounting as the outbreak grew more serious. Nine was training well, the microchip in her brain settling and causing no problems as she went through the basic routines of her new life. The technician rubbed a hand over his tired hazel eyes, raising his glasses slightly as he did, running his hand up and through his untidy black hair, and turned to the subject on the table. The body had taken the new leg effectively and everything was going well enough to be able to implant the chip soon. Her brain waves had dipped the other day, but all the readings had been coming out well since then and he was satisfied that she was soon ready to be woken and trained. Moving to his desk, he placed the clipboard down on the metal and shuffled through the disorganised mess of papers, looking for a particular read out on subject One. One was brilliant, performing his job to the utmost detail and destroying various pockets of outbreaks with ease, But something had come up recently on one of his check ups, something in the brain waves. The cybernetic brain had taken extremely well, considering it was the hardest thing they had ever done. The only enhancement that had been almost equally as hard had been Five. The technician sighed at the thought of Five and put down the brain wave readouts. He was sure it was nothing, with a cybernetic brain, there was bound to be the occasional blip. Everything else had come back fine and the other subjects seemed to be functioning fine. Moving to the subject table he ran his eyes over Ten, the blonde hair pooled underneath her head, dressed in just a hospital gown, breathing steady, various wires attached all over her body. His eyes travelled down to her leg and he suppressed a prideful smile. Six's legs had been more complicated, true, due to being a larger area, but Ten's leg, well, it was better, and it was a mere quarter of the size. His advancements in the technology were sure to win him a prize sooner or later, thought the technician. As he began to plan on taking his break, an alarm screeched into life. Frowning, he stepped quickly up to his personal console and tapped on the keys
“Eight, what is going on” A skinny, pale young man with scruffy black hair and bright green eyes, appeared on screen, grinning apologetically.
“Sorry Doc, I'm not called Eight any more, I'm Hax, not that you will be around to call me that for long. I am afraid The General has got bored of the labs games and wants to take the team and do it alone,” The 'Doc' frowned harder and shook his head. The General was a little nickname the subjects had given to One.
“Excuse me? Why is the alarm going off, and what do you mean One wants to 'do it alone?'” A tall, muscled, figure came out of the shadows behind Eight, his army cut silver hair and hazel eyes gleaming in the light of the monitor, and grinned into the screen. It was One. It was The General.
“He means I don't want to be your little puppet any more. Me and the team have decided we no longer need you and your brain control and your check ups,” Doc grit his teeth in anger and slammed a fist onto his desk
“Dammit One, you need to stop this right now. You know we can just shut you all down with those chips in your brains,” The General waggled one finger at the monitor.
“Uh-uh-uh, not if there is no lab. Not if you are dead,” he grinned, almost manically, Hax looking slightly uncomfortable behind him, “I've decided to let a few of our buddies into the facility,” The view on the screen changed to CCTV footage. Doc gasped, covering his mouth with his hand, all the blood draining from his face. The screen flickered back to The General and Hax, “As you can see, things are not going so well for you right now. I know you have a new subject in your little lab there Doc and I've sent Tank and Speed to get her from you. I've told them to leave you to our other friends,” chuckling to himself, The General looked up for a moment, over his shoulder, as another voice spoke. Nodding, The General looked back at the Doc, “Times a ticking Doc, so we best evacuate as I don't fancy fighting today. Good luck and enjoy the next hour or so of what’s left of your life,” He walked away from the screen, guffawing loudly to himself as Hax pulled a sympathetic face at Doc
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