and you've just arrived on a foreign planet, hoping to be the best adventurer ever.
Well, maybe not the best, how about the most adventury adventurer ever. Yeah... That works.
But in order to become the most advenury adventurer you must first, shed your past, begin a new! Lets start with your name!
Authors Notes
I have nowhere to host this and I'm to lazy to find somewhere to host it. So here is a side project of mine. Inspiration goes to Prequel, and MS paint adventures.
To give a command Start your comment with "Command:"
You can pretty much command anything, what this character does however, comes down to certain commands, and how I feel about going with the story!
To suggest names comment "command:(suggested name)"
I'm really exited for this and I hope it gets a little bit of attention in order to get good commands and such!
(This comic includes unique aliens and space pirates and shenanigans and drama and just a whole bunch of cool stuff, I'll be coming out with a ref to the main alien species as well. You'll be able to design one to me subtly inserted into the comic, and kept as your own character)
A webcomic inspired by MS paint adventures, and prequel! You decide what the character does, comment your command! (Command:(Your command)) and lets roll!
You are a space pirate...
You are a gliding alien...
This webcomic is about an adventure set in space, on a unique planet! Shenanigans, drama, and unnecessarily complex backstories and characters ensue!
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