The story revolves around a young celestial dragon named Kayla, who was fated since birth to fight the ultimate disaster that's plagued the land of Tauragen: an entity known as Terehawken. Although Terehawken has wrought chaos for years, its origin is unknown and most of the of the people have resigned to their suffering. Kayla had lived a very sheltered life, ignorant of the real world outside of her village until one fateful day, a demon led a raid on her home which slaughtered her family and the villagers who helped protect her.
Now on her own, she must struggle and endure through many tribulations as powerful demons are out to hunt her down as she trains to become her destined role, the Bearer of Light. Meeting unusual allies throughout her journey, she swears to avenge her family and rid the world of Terehawken. However, years of constant destruction has left a bleak outlook for the people of Tauragen. Kayla must not only find a way to destroy the source of their suffering, but also to inspire hope for a better future.
The story revolves around a young celestial dragon named Kayla, who was fated since birth to fight the ultimate disaster that's plagued the land of Tauragen: an entity known as Terehawken. Although Terehawken has wrought chaos for years, its origin is unknown and most of the of the people have resigned to their suffering. Kayla had lived a very sheltered life, ignorant of the real world outside of her village until one fateful day, a demon led a raid on her home which slaughtered her family and the villagers who helped protect her.
Now on her own, she must struggle and endure through many tribulations as powerful demons are out to hunt her down as she trains to become her destined role, the Bearer of Light. Meeting unusual allies throughout her journey, she swears to avenge her family and rid the world of Terehawken. However, years of constant destruction has left a bleak outlook for the people of Tauragen. Kayla must not only find a way to destroy the source of their suffering, but also to inspire hope for a better future. Read more
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