Caught at a fork in the path.
Which one do I take?
Do I stay the current path?
The path tried and true.
Or do I choose the other path?
Beginning a new cycle.
Neither offers lose or gain over the other.
Neither benefit nor detriment.
Both offer some sort of change.
Needing equal patience but in different ways.
Neither is better or worse.
Just different.
Equal uncertainties.
One explores the unknown.
Other, though it hasn't been easy, still seems too good to be true.
Change is inevitable.
One change may be overdue.
Choice is mine but not alone.
Another will be affected.
Choosing new path won't mean losing the other.
No ties will be cut.
I'll make certain of it.
I will make my own path between.
That both paths will intertwine.
In balance.
Happy medium that works for both.
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