Cafe-7:53 P.M.
(Inside the cafe a girl around her mid teens is seen delivering food to the seated customers)
Kayla: Here you go, freshly made from the oven.
Customer: Thanks you.
Kayla: Let me know if you need anything else and I'll be ri-
(Kayla slips and falls head first into the middle of a trash can)
Cashier: We have wet floor signs for reason.
Kayla: (Gets up) Sorry, didn't see it.
(Suddenly a large man dressed in medieval-like armor and looks almost like the Shredder from Ninja Turtles enters the place leaving everyone in horrified silence.)
Cashier : (It's a Street Knight!)
Kayla: (Nervous) (What is a street knight here in place like this?)
(Officer Eddy appears and confronts Bolda)
Eddy: Don't worry everyone, I'll handle this.
(Eddy looks somewhat nervous as well due to Bolda's height)
Eddy: How can I help you this evening?
Bolda: I'm only here to give out a message, care to volunteer?
(Bolda pulls out a mace-like weapon making Eddy instinctively draw his gun, but before he can use it he sent crashing to the wall by Bolda's weapon which shoots out like a cannonball, leaving multiple cracks in the wall)
(Eddy then falls head first with blood flowing out to the floor as screaming is heard.)
Bolda: Thank you volunteering, Officer.
Desert mountains-Night
Blake: Prepare yourself and face the wrath of my mighty cushion!
Max: Bring it on munchkin!
(Blake leaps up high in the sky and throws two pillows at Max like throwing stars)
(Max manages to dodge the incoming pillows as they go past him slicing a nearby mountain in half)
Max: Lighting Pillow!
(Before this can get more confusing, Max finally awakens from his bizarre dream.)
(He then looks around the room and it looks like a big fight went down)
Max: (Yawns) Hey Blake, can you make me a bowl?
(Blake is seen on the floor buried by a dozen pillows)
Max: (Off screen) Never mind.
(Moments later, Max is seen watching the news about what happened last night while eating a bowl of cereal)
Laura: So once again more stores and cafe's were destroyed by a new crime group known as "Street Knights" one officer by the name Eddy tried to subdue one of them but was gravely injured in the process, doctors say that somehow he has made a full recovery despite losing a lot of blood and receiving a fractured skull, no one else was hurt, but witnesses say that the knights are looking for our local guardian Max Stone, stay tuned for further updates coming live I'm Laura Valentine from Urban News, signing out.
Max: Blake, eat something and get dressed.
(Blake pops out of the pile of pillows like a golfer)
Blake: Mission Time?
Max: (Deadpan) Mission time.
*Suit up sequence*
(Max and Blake are now suited up and ready for battle but before they leave they randomly start to strike poses as though they are runway modeling)
Max- 2 stars out of 5
Blake- 5 out of 5
Blake: Ha-a!
Downtown-Cafe-12:32 PM
(Max and Blake arrive to one of the cafes, it's heavily damaged and has spray paint with the words "THE KINGDOm IS OURS!" written on the walls)
Max: That's odd, they left "M" lower cased for some reason.
Blake: So why do these knights want to take over the Kingdom so bad?
Max: Because they have some kind of hatred towards our Kaiser and hope to bring down the Kingdom and make their own type of society.
???: They're doing a HORRIBLE job at it, if you ask me.
(The boys look around to see who said that)
???: Down here boys.
(An small old lady around her late 60's is seen behind the boys,)
Mima: Good morning boys, I see you've decided to take action today.
Max: Oh,good morning Mima!
Mima: Blake my dear, you've grown even taller than me now.
Blake: Yep, hopefully I'll be as tall as Max, maybe taller.
Max: Yeah right.
Mima: By the way, allow me to introduce you to my granddaughter Kayla. Kayla!
(The shy Kayla appears before Max)
Kayla: (Shy) He...hello.
Max: Hi! (Puts his hand out)
(Kayla shakes Max's hand with her long sleeve covering half his arm)
Mima: Don't mind her, she's still shaken up from last night...
Max: (Wry) Heh, sawey... Blake and I will patrol tonight and keep a lookout for these guys.
Mima: Whatever, just keep them away from my cafe and make them suffer.
Max: You got it!
(After doing a lot of running around in Genesis, the boys have searched high and low only to come up with nothing, so they head back to the cafe to think of another plan before calling it a day.)
(Max and Blake are seated in front of the porch outside of Mima's cafe eating a bowl of sugar-free gummy worms, which is Max's favorite candy, he loves it so much that he's often called "The Gummy Gobbler" by his friends. )
Blake: Well this sucks, 4 hours of patrolling and we couldn't find a SINGLE knight.
Max: Yup.
Kayla: Blake, your ice cream is ready.
Blake: (Excited) OREO ARCTIC!!!
(Blake runs inside the cafe)
Blake: (Blushing) Thanks, Kayla!(Enters the cafe)
Kayla: No problem, I hope you like it.
Kayla: He's an energetic one.
Max: Yeah, my least favorite types when it comes to kids...
Max: So you're the daughter Drey, right, one the King's guardians?
Kayla: I am.
Max: What brings you here to Genesis, if you don't mind me asking?
Kayla: Well, my parents had to go on a mission in a different country far from here so they dropped me off where I can attend a good school and be stay in a safe neighborhood with Mima, I've been down here for 3 weeks and lately they haven't been responding to my contacts, I'm worried that something bad might've happened or...
Kayla: (Embarrassed) Sorry, I gave out WAY too much personal info!
Max: (Laughs) It's OK...
Max: After knowing your parents for so long, I'm sure they're fine, just extremely busy with work and stuff.
Kayla: (Sighs) Sometimes I wonder.
(While Kayla continues talking, Max's head pops up and spots something coming then grabs Kayla and jumps away from the incoming wrecking ball crashing through the wall where Blake is)
(Inside the cafe, Blake is not hurt, but he has an angered expression with tears running down his eyes because his ice cream fell on the floor)
Blake: (Sniffs) ....!
Bolda: Hello, Lightning Wielder, ready for a swift death?
To be Continued...
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