Later on I hung up the phone after a nice talk. What have I been doing all my life. It was my choice to turn everything around. I walked over to my mini fridge and pushed it to the side. I. picked up the faded picture of a guy with dark brown blackish eyes. A a black shirt with sweats. I couldn't help but keep staring at his hair. The faded light blue cut. He should have kept his hair his natural color. But then I blush awkwardly around him. I sat down and put the picture on my leg. What was worth keeping What was worth leaving. I had to move on sometime this was part of life.
I hoped up and grabbed the next picture. Only this one wasn't mine. it had a fish scale taped to it I turned over the queer photo on the back it was written in Greek. I took my phone out my pocket and typed in Greek Alphabet. M.E.R.M.A.I.D. What a myth, But who could get and do such a thing the writing was astounding. Yet I was still confused, The next couple of words were in English and said honest river but how.
I turned to glance at the Athena styled tv. I limped to the tv, I pressed the button. There on that tv laid dull-witted me driving one leged and back to honest river.
"so Sara what do you think of this women?" Asked Jake.
"well she is very let me put this straight crippled." Replied the Sara with a grin. My eyes stared blur. I slowly fell onto the couch. I looked at my leg covered in a boot, I stared to strike my boot again and again. Everything in the background mute. suddenly everything blurred, Nothing was left all the pain was gone. I was in a black empty space then nothing. I flew back up into the air of beeping noises. "ACK ACHOO!" I coughed out. I scared the room top to bottom. Tubes,chair,no one, beeping. I was in the hospital.
I closed my eyes. I was. back in the space. Except I could feel pain. My neck twisted like a candy bar. My leg felt like it was on fire. My head felt like a earthquake. I jerked up And shouted. "AHHHHH, LET ME OUT!!!!" I couldn't think right now, Too much had happened. To much pressure. I started to pant for breath and then there was no pain. I woke up to the light again only someone was there. "Don't even think about screaming." Whispered a mysterious women. She took a needle and put it in my arm. "STAY OUT OF WATER." She nearly shouted. At this point I was in a nightmare or was I having delusions I didn't know.
I closed my eyes for the third time and stated "your normal Your human." In no more than a whisper. But what if I wasn't I hadn't felt pain at all. All I felt was the true pain of a shot of sadness. But what that women said "stay away from water." I whispered as I went out like a light. I woke up with a minor ache in my arm.
"Your leaving now sorry for such a sudden change but you have to go with your care taker." Stated a classy guy in a doctor Suit with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and had help getting up and around. "Cra-." I stated slowly. "hey don't say it." grinned the guy.
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