So you really thought I was dead, didn't you? Well, I can't blame you... IM THE WORST AUTHOR I KNOW
I decided to do a quick Q&A to explain why I am a dumbass
Q: Where the fu*k were you?
A: I basically finished university and kept drawing and making commissions and searching for a job in the art industry (while procrastinating my life and feeling sad 24/7 and staying a reclusive arsehole)
Q: Okay, your style is REALLY different??! What the heck!! I liked your older style better...
A: I'm sO sorry buddy, I know it changed a heck of a lot, but... hey, people change style over time! I started this webcomic MORE than a year ago, I've been drawing constantly since then (even tho I haven't updated the webcomic much...) so yeah, sorry about it sob
Q: So are you gonna post this here now and then disappear for another 3 years without saying anything?
A: I SURE HOPE NOT. Like, I had some sort of mystic block over the comic, because the style and everything changed so much, I wasn't happy with the page format (aka there's a longer one now) since every update was too short and didn't really tell much (well, this update isn't much better I know smh). I LITERALLY CHANGED THE STYLE SO MANY TIMES (as you can see from the banner??? It's another style ffs) man, what even is art, what am I doing here
If you are still here and reading and wanting to know more about it AFTER all this time... I can just say thank you and I'm sorry, I know it sucks and I got in the way of life
I hope all of ya are having good holidays~
Until next update, be well!
PS: I really hope the new format can be properly readable uGH
the style change is not an issue for me at all - in fact, I can always tell it's your art no matter what, so it's not jarring at all :D I'm just happy you gave this comic another chance, I wanted to see where this was gonna go so bad. Anyway, congrats on graduation, I hope the big boy artist life is treating you well XD always remember that there's no shame in taking breaks to take care of yourself. So regarding the page, it's actually a little hard to read on mobile XD the panels are too tiny and the art's a little blurry and light (especially the lineart, it's really thin. Looks really pretty but maybe bigger panels/resolution should do the trick 👌) Anyways glad you're back!!
Elvis is a pretty chill girl who likes videogames and tv series. She studies Computer Science at the university and she's living a happy life.
Jules is cheerful girl that enjoys time spent with friends and swimming. She got a scholarship for the swimming programme of the town's university and she also lives a happy life.
One day they randomly meet each other and they immediately hit off, what will happen next?
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