On her way to her table, Holly almost ran into one of the younger campers.
“Well, hello there,” Holly greeted the teen, “I don’t think I know your name yet.”
“My name?” The freshman asked, their green eyes fixed on Holly’s own, “It’s Alex. And I have a question for you, but I don’t want anyone else to overhear.”
Holly nodded and the two of them waited until the other kids had left the dining hall. “I’ll only be a moment,” Holly called to Cathy, who nodded and followed the group to the cabins. After everyone was gone, Holly led Alex over to a table and sat down across from them. “Ok, I’m all ears, what’s up?”
The freshman looked down at the table nervously. Holly took in their shoulder length hair and their strong eyebrows, which furrowed in concentration as Alex stared at the table, seemingly trying to find the right words to say.
Holly smiled compassionately and said, “You can tell me anything. It will remain between us, and I promise you, nothing you say can make me upset or uncomfortable. Take as much time as you need.”
Alex nodded then opened their mouth to speak, “I don’t want to make things difficult, but there’s something I need to tell you about myself that I haven’t told anyone else. Not even my parents. I’m –,” Alex paused, “I’m transgender. I identify as a woman. I don’t know why I feel I can trust you, but I don’t know how comfortable I would be bunking with the guys. I don’t want to cause any trouble! I’m just worried about what people would say about me or do to me.”
Immediately, Alex looked up at Holly, scanning for signs of rejection or disgust, but all she found was a warm smile and a nod. “First of all,” Holly began, “I want to thank you for the amount of trust you just placed in me. I know that couldn’t have been easy. I just want you to know that I accept you for who you say you are. You’re the expert on you, and if you’re telling me that you’re a girl, who am I to say otherwise? As for sleeping in the girls’ cabin, I think that can be arranged. You mentioned that you haven’t told your parents though. Isn’t your dad chaperoning? Are you planning on telling him now?”
Alex’s eyes widened and she shook her head, “I don’t know what he would do if he found out. He already has a problem with my hair being so long. If he found out that I’m transgender, I’m worried about what he would say.”
Holly gave a deep sigh. Maybe things wouldn’t be as easy as she thought. “Well, this is certainly something to think about. I’ll tell you what: I’ll find out the bunk situation during the mixer. For now, leave your things in the conference hall where the mixer is going to be. I don’t want you to worry about what other people are going to say or think. I’ll take care of things if an issue arises. Just know that you’re safe here. I’ll make sure of that.”
Alex’s eyes started watering and she nodded, holding back tears, “Thank you Holly. I don’t know what else to say. Can I…can I give you a hug?”
“Of course,” Holly replied, then gave Alex a tight hug. “I want you to have a good time, ok? I know this is tough, but things are going to be ok. I’ll keep an eye out for you, I promise.”
Alex smiled, then walked off towards the main hall, carrying her suitcase with her.
Holly put her hands on her hips, then sighed again. Let’s see what we can do, she thought to herself, then walked towards the boys’ cabin. She knocked on the door and Bob came out, closing the door behind him to give the guys some privacy while they got ready.
“I saw you talking to Alex, is everything ok?” Bob asked, concerned.
Holly nodded, “Yes, everything is fine. Alex just had some questions for me about the camp. Everything ok in there?”
“Well, there is one issue. There are only six beds in the cabin, and between the five boys I have in there and myself, there’s nowhere for Alex to sleep. What did you have planned for the extra guy that needed a bunk?”
“Well, I talked to Alex about that. I asked him if he was comfortable sleeping with the girls and he said as long as they were comfortable with it, he didn’t mind – “
“Hang on, you’re saying he would be sleeping with the girls?”
Holly realized she was going to have to pick her words carefully, “I know it isn’t ideal, but we only have so much space.”
Bob stiffened, “I understand that, but surely there are rules against allowing a boy to sleep in the same cabin as the girls.”
Holly took a deep breath, then continued, “Between myself and Cathy, we will ensure that nothing that shouldn’t happen will happen. I would just ask that you trust me on this decision.”
“I don’t feel comfortable letting my son sleep with the girls. Alex is my son, so I get to make that decision. He sleeps with the boys. I’m sure any of the other boys would be more than willing to take his place.”
Holly was starting to get frustrated, but she knew in this instance, there was nothing she could do. She couldn’t violate the trust Alex had placed in her and tell her father what Alex had confided in her. And it didn’t seem like Bob was going to budge on this issue. Unless…
“How about a compromise? I let Alex sleep in my own cabin and I bunk with the girls. That way, no one breaks any rules.”
Bob looked incredulous, but nevertheless backed down. “Ok. If you’re willing to do that, then I am ok with Alex sleeping in your cabin. I just can’t believe you’d make that decision.”
Holly gave an internal sigh of relief. Crisis averted. “I just want everyone to be as comfortable and happy as possible. This is the kids’ camp as much as it is mine.”
Bob shook his head, but turned to go back into the boys’ cabin.
Holly called out before he shut the door, “The mixer starts in twenty minutes. Have everyone in the main hall by then!” When the door closed, Holly rubbed her eyes exasperatedly. She needed to talk to Alex now, but she still had to check in on the girls. Alex could wait.
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