In the world of Black Rose, vampires exist in two states. Black Rose are vampires who have not ascended to the status of a full vampire. They have not died. They are born as vampires and with the aid of contacts, sunscreen, and careful coverups, easily blend in with humans. They require a minimal amount of blood and primarily eat human food. They have varying degrees of sensitivity to the sun, ranging from none to severe sunburns within minutes of exposure.
The second state is Ascension, when a Black Rose dies, they become a full vampire with great power at their disposal, and a lust for blood to survive. There is a price to being a vampire, a coldness that comes in and envelopes their very souls as time passes, slowly stripping away their humanity.
And in this world...there are lycians, their loyal friends, servants... and often slaves. There are also... hunters.
Now, imagine what happens if many Full Vampiers die and the Black Rose do NOT want to ascend.
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