Small update for everyone following RadioUnder: ATM I'm finishing the last page of part 1 which is about 2x the size of a regular update + working freelance + organizing things in to be able to do all my stuff better (and, you know, pandemic ). Hopefully, in addition to RadioUnder getting into a regular schedule again, I'll be able to post other, quicker and sloppier comics + the novels I've been writing.
But RadioUnder takes a long time, because I try to make each page the best it can be. After I finish and post page 28, I'll be posting some sketch comics about my work process and some cool facts about the comic while I work on storyboarding THE ENTIRETY OF PART 2, and then go back to updating every single Friday.
If you love the comic and want to see what happens next, or you like my art and want to see more of it, I am kneeling and bowing to ask you to support me. I'm of the opinion that a piece of art isn't finished without an audience to interpret it, so all 750+ of you are as important to the comic as I am.
So, how to support me in these challenging times. Comments and sharing the comics with your friends make a big difference. If I'm down and need something to cheer me up and prove I'm making a difference with this comic, or if a friend of a friend of a friend that heard of this comic because you shared it, you can do that.
Of course, monetary support is always good to a starving artist, be it Ink, Ko-fi or Patreon, but following me on social media and sharing any art I do that you enjoy is a tremendous boost. Even if you only have 20 followers, anyone can become a reader or a fan.
Oh god this is paragraph six already, oh shit, I'm sorry. Anyway, here's a pool about merch to commemorate the first anniversary of the comic I missed because I had pneumonia, you can answer even if you can't buy anything:
TL;DR: Comics hard, pneumonia, now covid, thanks for reading, give me views and money, merch poll?