Oi tudo bem? Fiz um post com todos os autores brasileiros que pude encontrar no Tapas aqui: https://forums.tapas.io/t/quadrinhos-brasileiros/25132 Se tiver algum que não esta na lista, por favor comente e vamos aumentar a lista!
Hey guys, so as I said, I'm joining Inktober this year, and I'm doing it as a story of 31 panels. If you want to follow it, now you can do it from Tapastic! Go check that out: http://tapastic.com/series/Inktober2015
A new panel every day!
Here is the first one I did!
Sooooo I totally forgot to do the raffle yesterday, SORRY!!! But I did it today and as the Fefê's drawing is saying "The Gigi goes to..."
Rafael Dourado!!
I numbered everyone who commented here and on facebook and randomly made my sister choose a number.
If you didn't win, don't worry, there will be another chances, I'm sure!!
Thanks to every one that commented, and that follows Cat Chick, she will be back soon.
Meanwhile, I'm doing inktober this year, and every day of this month I'll post 1 panel of a story. There's no text, so everyone can understand it!
So if you're interested to see it, you can follow it on my instagram, @fefetorquato. The first panel is there already!
Se you guys soon!!
Sorry for the lack of updates, guys!! I'm preparing a new comic project to launch at Catarse (which is a brazilian crowd funding site) and it's very hard to keep up with all the work I have to do right now!! So Cat Chick is suffering with that, sorrrrrrry! But she's coming, I can say that! In the meanwhile why don't you watch my latest video on my channel on youtube. Is a simple one, about food, specifically illustrator's food, just to make us all happy!
Btw, did you subscribe to my channel already? ;) https://youtu.be/4Ffb2aCSDTc