Im Fenris Ulfr the Dark Queen of the Dark Kingdom 0w0~~
there is not much to say about me XD
i like Pokemon, i do H.E.M.A and Kravmaga, im short ><
what else..... i have an army of diverse undead that fight for me to conquer the world...not much else 0w0
ill put my effort doing my comics , so i hope you like them ><~~
photosho, Paint tool sai, alot of internet research
THANKS ALOT! sorry not having answer you before....notifications usualy are full of people i follow never expect people to say something to me QwQ
I know ive been VERY inactive here, dont worry ill post soon, been actualy making scripts.....story making is hard QnQ
mean while check some stuff in my DAhttp://queen-fenrisulfr.deviantart.com
Picture Unrelated 0w0