Hi, fey! I just wanted to say that your comic is pretty great. I went through all of what you have posted already, and it is astounding. Your visuals are really impressive, and I love how you're conveying the story, and most especially such strong emotions without having the characters saying one word. I feel for the seamonster and their elven-looking friend already, and really hope they won't get in harm's way...
Thank you so much for drawing this (I can only imagine the amount of work that goes into one of this pages!). It is beautiful, and sad and lovely and I like every detail of it). <3
thank you very much for your nice comment. it's easy for me to fall in the "i can't do anything good, i should stop trying" trap and it is comments like yours that help me get out and continue to create. Thank you for listing the things that you like, because it is hard for me to tell what si good on my works. And it makes me really happy that what you said is actually what i was trying to do - a journey through beautiful but strange landscapes, a story more about emotions than facts - that's why i decided to tell it without words. It also forces me to keep it simple. Thank you again :)