I'm sorry that I disappeared without finishing comic-tober, I got sick during the last week of October and only have been able to leave home for the first time today. I was able to rest a good bunch but for the majority of the time drawing or writing scripts wasn't really on my mind, and currently I'm preparing to work from home until possibly end of the year (good thing they closed schools only after I got sick...).
I want to maybe try some modern setting for the next couple of updates, however Poland has been... a scary place to live in these times. I'll see what I can do.
I’ve been hinting at it for a while now but I have been steadily losing support over all platforms.
I feel like maybe switching the format/topic like this was a mistake. People who came for wholesome slice of life probably did not sign up for dumbass priest eating rats. I understand how that can be an issue and I’m sorry for confusing or triggering anyone with all this blood and death.
For me this weird AU situation was the only way to separate myself from the unending depression chronicles that took over the main comic. I caught myself discussing a lot of my fears and issues through the story and while at times it was pretty helpful, ultimately I started associating the comic with these feelings of being useless, friendless, not being in the place in life that I would have planned or preferred.
I decided that by a change of setting and conflict I could continue to explore these characters without the dark cloud of depression - my own and AD’s- hovering over them. And I enjoy it so much more, at least now.
That being said, I still feel like I'm not doing a very good job. I have tried to make drawing the comic my new routine but this week I failed for the first time and I feel pretty bad about it. I decided that instead of quickly scribbling something for you, I'll go on a break for a couple of weeks, make a few pages in advance to avoid such future situations and hopefully stop feeling like a piece of s**t.
Oh wow I didn't realize I just posted a 100th episode of ADDDOM! Granted, not all installments were actual comic pages but I think that's still pretty dang nice. Here's to another 100 :) Thank you for your continued support!
I'm still around, just super useless.
There's always more interaction over at tumblr so If you'd be interested in asking me something (or telling me I suck or sth), I highly recommend that.
aww, you don't sucks and you are not useless, we all have low drive periods, please be good to yourself Filip, and keep popping from time to time, is nice to have news of you ^^
I feel like I always have low energy/productivity period going on and when it gets worse I panic because it's only a question of time when I start losing subscribers again.
don't worry too much about it, your faithful readers will always remain, and the rotation of casual readers will always come when the updates restart ^^
I'm sorry for no activity, holiday season and the new year are always a bit hectic for me :'c I'll try my best to catch up with updates (hopefully within this month).
Meanwhile I hope you had some fun during this month and entered 2019 with a smile on your faces. <3
Happy New Year Filip, thanks for the cute illustration, i hope you managed to enjoy your holidays even if they got hectic, see you and your boys soon ^^
I had the honor of getting a review from a fellow comic lover here on tapas! I feel super flattered, especially since I never felt like my comic, from plot to art, was any good… the more it surprises me to have such kind, supportive followers from all over the world.
I know you already read my comic but perhaps the other reviews FloresDelMal has written will help you find something you’ll like as well? Show them some well-deserved love <3 https://tapas.io/episode/1227936
Filip i know that sometimes you don't see it, but trust me, your art is everything! and you are doing great even when self doubt attacks; it was my honour to enjoy your comic and gush about it, i am still uncertain if i made it justice or not, but i am happy that i gave a shot at writing the review, thanks for the plug ^^
We're taking a week off to figure some stuff out D: in the meantime, feel free to check out the tumblr for additional art and Q&A stuff :3 Thank you for your continued support! Filip
New page should be done tomorrow (Tuesday)! It’ll be the last page of the backstory arc 2. Should I continue with arc 3 or have a breather and see how boys are doing right now?
Hello, I am a great admirer of you for your work, I sincerely want to translate your work with your permission, I hope I can translate your projects with your permission and, of course, I will put the link to your account. and patreon and credits https://www.facebook.com/AmanteDelYaoiHard/?ref=bookmarks