Hello all! I will be entering a story into the Writers Camp contest this go around and I would greatly appreciate the support of my readers and anyone beyond. I will upload the first episode by the end of the week, so be on the lookout for it. Thank you again for your support.
Hello all! I know this is the first time I'm using this board so I wanted to say a huge thank you to my subscribers across both series. It's a huge confidence boost for me to know that there are readers out there who enjoy and follow my work. I do urge you to share the series to those you think would enjoy them.
Secondly, I know that my uploads have been erratic to say the least. The reason for that is twofold. Timeless Descent is still a new project for me so there will a lot time between uploads and for that I apologize. The Destiny universe has a massive library of lore and I want to be as accurate as possible. Though expect a new episode soon.
As for NightFall, this book is actually done. The reason for the delay in uploads is that I have to edit it to suit the parameters that this site requires. The character limit is especially annoying, though I understand the reason for it. This is why some of the episodes end and start awkwardly. Originally many of these episodes were one entity.
Also as I'm reading back through, I'm noticing errors that I missed when I was editing. This is what's causing much of the delay. But now I'm through the rough patches, so expect more regular uploads. I'm thinking once or twice a week. Also expect some art work to surface in the near future.
If anyone has any questions, I would be happy to answer them. I know this is a long post, thanks for bearing with me and also thank you to the subs for sticking with it.
TL;DR Thanks for reading and expect more regular uploads in the future.