Hey, NGL I love your comic and tbh I've been waiting 3 years for it to update Heh.. 😅 And I've finally made an acc so I can sub, though just wondering out of curiosity
eeeeep i just saw that painted dragon is trending #1 here..!! i-i don't know why but thank you guys! D:
I'm a bit slow updating it as I've got carpal tunnel but it'll be done soon hopefully!!
hi everyone! i hope you are well.
this isn't completely comic-related, but I've started doing livestreams from time to time, so please feel welcome to join! https://www.twitch.tv/bananathehana/
hey, everyone! long time no update!
i posted on my insta (@bananathehana) and on webtoon, but i just realised i forgot to post here, too!
the last time i posted an update here (nov 2019), literally days after i became very sick and got diagnosed with pneumonia and possible TB. things didn't get better and i was hospitalised for a while (though on the plus side, after a LOT of testing, it turned out that i didn't have TB, yay!)
having pneumonia and the stress of being hospitalised (and the mountain of bills that came after-- not to mention being made to work again without fully recovering) turned my health upside down for a long while and i've been struggling with it for a long while... which brings me back here today!
i finished my work contract, so i'm off work for a while to focus on my health and get stronger. This also means that i have time to work on PD a LOT more without the fatigue that came with working while being sick, so i'm happy to say that there will no doubt be an update this month! i'm planning on updating with two updates in one go to make up for some of the wait. i'm sorry to keep you waiting and thank you for your patience!
if you're new to PD, welcome! :D i disappear now and then but PD is my baby and i won't abandon it!
thanks for sticking with me guys! have a belated new years' picture!
We're all happy to wait, and if you ever need to take time for yourself again, remember that your health always comes first. I'm glad you're back and feeling better, though!
Hey guys-- sorry for going a bit MIA again! Having family visit at the moment (haven't seen my sibling or parents for a couple of years), so working on PD has turned out to be harder than I thought-- will be back to normal soon, though! Sorry for those who are waiting on replies etc, will be doing all that soon :D
hey everyone!! as Painted Dragon is turning one very soon, i was thinking of having some sort of raffle to celebrate-- the prize would probably be a small drawing, but i was wondering if i did that, would anyone be interested?
new update 9PM EDT tonight (friday, 22/06/18), or if you live in the future like myself then it'll be saturday morning (e.g. for GMT 8+ it'll be saturday 9AM)!
this will be the usual day & time for updates every 2 weeks (unless a new chapter is being posted, then it will be a 3 week wait for the new chapter/update as it takes a while to draw up storyboards etc)
i hope this makes sense! i'm excited to give this schedule thing a shot, it's worked quite well with my job so far :D