I'm back baby!!! My reason for being gone for so long is that my computer completely fried and I lost all of my data!! I finally got a new one and hope to get back into creating comic pages!!! Thank you for sticking with me.
Hey guys!! I wanna apologize for not updating in a while. I've wanted to, but the semester just ended and I had a death in the family. I've been getting through it and will try to update soon!!
I'm so sorry! I said I wouldn't delete the original but I still wasn't happy with it!! But don't worry! I'll start updating the brand new Tempologist soon!!
So, I've decided to try to redo The Tempologist, because I was really unhappy with how it looked. So I'm going to start reuploading pages as soon as possible.
Also, I'm going to update it by just adding onto the old one, so the old pages will still be there if someone wants to see them. (mostly because I have no idea how to delete it/ don't want the people who follow it to be confused about it being deleted.