hey guys! hope y'all are doing well.
i really miss my kids.. and i hope that when i get to return, the boost in quality will be worth how long this hiatus is taking U-U
hey guys! i'm selling Resistance necklaces, so if you'd like to help out the production of this comic, come get one while they're in stock :)
(if you can't read the picture, here's a link) http://20yrsy.deviantart.com/art/Resistance-Membership-Necklace-626554657
if you're interest, send me an email at: hmiletta@yahoo.com
~HM <3
hey everyone! thanks so much for the subscribes. as is to be expected, progress is a little slow during the holidays. but worry not, it'll be picking up again soon!
in the mean time, here's a doodle of the Factory main characters -v-b
happy holidays!