Hello there! I have some news regarding The Rushing Tide. (Side Note, yes i did change the title! Rebranded a tiny bit if you will)
TL;DR: Rushing Tide is going on hiatus for the rest of the year.
The long explanation for this is, due to life things, my mental health is taking a bit of a tumble and I want to be able to have fun with this comic. In my current state, I unfortunately cannot do that. I want to be able to take the rest of the year to build my motivation and figure out a way to manage a healthy balance between comic-ing and school. This is necessary for me to be able to take less hiatuses and be more consistent in the future. I’m very sorry if you were looking forward to it returning soon, but I hope the wait will be worth it. <3
Something I forgot to mention, the end date is subject to change, depending on how my health improves/life pans out over the next month. I hope I won’t go past the end of June, but I don’t want to make any promises. Know that it will be back, it’s just going to take some time.
Ok, so I have some news again. Nuzlocke: Penny is extending its hiatus until the end of June. Without going into too much detail, I have been struggling a lot lately and need more time to get to a point where I’m comfortable making consistent updates again. Hope you all can understand, and if I can I’ll post some special art for pride month when I get the chance. <3
Howdy everyone! No I am not Texan. Sorry to say this, but I’m officially announcing first Hiatus of the new year. School is ending in about a month, and I have a lot going on, plus really needing to make a backlog of pages to make updates more consistent. But the good news is if all goes according to plan, I should be coming back towards the end of May! Hope you guys don’t mind too much, and I hope the new pages will be worth the wait.