Well, its been a while. I might as well say something about my absence.
I've been too busy focusing on other things such as my podcast and writing when I sort of drifted away from Tapas for a while. I keep getting emails asking me where the heck is the IATW ending or the Awsome Squad comic. The answer is simple: I don't know when they're releasing or when I'll be done with them to think that they're good enough to release. For those who left the fandoms and communities for these comics and series, I apologize as I should've said something. IATW is ending this month in July, with the A.Squad reboot releasing in August. Hope you stick around for them and many more good things to come. For now, here is a WIP thumbnail for one of the last two episodes of IATW.
Hey everyone. School and this quarantine stuff is just stressing me out a lot right now. So for now, IATW will be put on hiatus for now until I feel a little less stressed. Until then, see you soon! And stay safe please.
1. I know it has been a while. School and college are keeping me on my toes. Since my college class started, I decided to take a hiatus from drawing any IATW content. For that, I apologize, as it was an unannounced event.
2. Episodes are now once a week, unless I say so, as time is not letting me draw anything. I can promise one episode next week. (Have not been able to draw anything, due to internet at home being down. Typing this at school while taking a break)
3. MERCH of some kind is being planned. I want to start with something small, like stickers. Looking into my options in terms of website that I could sell on. More on that another time.
4. I get asked a lot, since IATW is being continued here on good ol' Tapas. "Is IATW going to end anytime soon?" For that, I can say with definitive positive assurance that IATW will continue and end here. Not anytime soon, though. Got a lot more fun stories to draw :)
5. Lastly, I want to talk about money. I've been considering about setting up a Patreon, so that people can get benefits like sketches, an early look at an episode, or get their name on a special panel. It's not been decided yet, so don't get your hopes up.
That's about all I want to share for now. Follow me on Twitter (ianmolina76) if you want to stay up to date on what I do, and make sure to subscribe to IATW. Tell everyone about it and stuff.
College classes start next week for me, and that means that I'll be busy. My plan is to have at least one or two episodes released each week. I might even have guests draw an episode later in the year. I m genuinely excited for IATW to be welcomed onto Tapas with open arms, and I hope you guys enjoy the episodes coming soon. Speaking of soon, one episode is releasing later today. Episode 8: Meet Josh.
That's all I've got for now. Have a great day. Subscribe to IATW if you haven't already. If you have any questions, shoot me a private message and I'll respond as soon as I can. Catch you later! -ian