Hi everyone!
I'm here to anounce something about Academy's Guardians.
I started the comic way to fast . I wanted so much to start that I rushed everything: the story wasn't polished, the character design was still inconsistent, and instead of doing pages ahead of time, I did them between updates.
The truth is, I don't know where I was going with the first chapter. This is why I'll restart the comic. I've learned from my mistakes and plan to do it properly this time.
The intro idea that I have will allow me to explain some of the mechanics of the universe. Instead of posting a page per two weeks (like I was supposed to do but failed miserably), I'll post the whole chapter, or part of it, if it's too long. I'll post it the friday after it's finished. The old comic will probably be ereased when the new chapter will come out.
I feel like I let ya'll down and I'm sorry if someone was looking forward to read my comic. As I said, I rushed in, not even thinking if what I was doing was right. I plan to do better this time.
For this week's update, you'll notice an upgrade in the art style. That's because all the pages I did until last week were done quite a long time ago. I've improved a lot in the mean time, so the drawings should be better than before!
Also did some minor changes in the design of some characters.
As I said in a post months ago, I was supposed to post a lot of pages of my comic this summer. Couldn't do as I planned because of some health problems in my family and a new job I got.
As I'm back to college, I have a hole in my schedule in which I think I'll be able to work on Academy's Guardians. A new page should be done in a couple hours!
Firstly, thanks for suscribing to Academy's Guardians! It means a lot!
Secondly, I was supposed to publish a new page last thursday (May 4th), but the end of the semester keeps me super busy. I have 3 HUGE school projects to finish for this week, plus I need to study for an upcoming exam in a subject I have difficulties on. Because of that, I couldn't finalise a page.
In fact, what I was thinking is waiting for summer vacation (May 17th) and post a few pages, regardless of the delays I was planning between the pages.
TL;DR: School keeps me busy so I can't make new pages right now, but I will do a "mass posting" when I'll be on summer vacation.