Thanks to the new followers and subs!!!!
You are very kind♥
You should know that in addition to "Smile Laoshi", a second comic is being launched (already announced on my social).
It's a much larger project, with quotes, tributes, easter eggs and much more!!!
I hope you like both projects ^__^
To find out more clues or if you are curious to see fanart illustrations: go to my social ;) ♥
It took a long time, but the goal was finally achieved. Chapter 1 of my first webcomic is out! "Smile Laoshi".
I hope you enjoy!!!!!
Ha richiesto molto tempo, ma alla fine l'obiettivo è stato raggiunto. Il Capitolo 1 del mio primo fumetto web è uscito! "Smile Laoshi".
Spero che vi piaccia!!!!!