Hello, 2020! We're not dead! We have a LOT to announce but we will do it little by little! For know, we printed the comic in 2019 and you can check on Twitter some updates! https://twitter.com/haradacomic
Yesterday, we launched our webcomic in Italian! Here's some news about it in said language:
Ebbene sì, gli Harada saranno aggiornati sia in italiano che in inglese allo stesso tempo! Chi ha parlato di lettori che dovranno aspettare alcuni giorni o settimane prima di un aggiornamento? Non noi! Vogliamo che *tutti*, ma proprio *tutti*, possano godersi il nostro fumetto senza privilegi di alcun tipo.
Ne approfittiamo per dirvi che saremo a La Spezia Comics and Games il 4 e 5 Maggio! Venderemo le primissime copie fisiche dell'intero primo capitolo degli Harada, già completo, che qui ha una cadenza settimanale.
Moltre altre info le daremo nei prossimi giorni!
Hello guys!!
I’m Marlene Ayano, the one who draws “Harada’s Neighbours”!
I’m really happy to see a lot of you already bookmarked our comic and I’m excited to tell you that from tonight, we’ll start posting a page EVERY WEDNESDAY till the last page of Chapter One.
Also, “Harada’s Neighbours” will be printed for La Spezia Comics 2019 convention in Italy, and if you’re there, come to say hi!!
While you’re waiting the first page you can check out my other comic, CAELUM, with one page every Tuesday till the Chapter Three ends. I’d love to read your feedback!
Yuji Harada's daily life shatters when he discovers his new neighbour is no other than his ex, Joshua Irezumi. As Yuji now has a wife and a child to take care of, he has to suppress his still-burning feelings for him in order to be the caring and perfect father and husband he had been until now. But can he manage it at all?
Hello!! (*´ー`) We are Marlene Ayano & Rukomura, Harada's Neighbours' creators! This webcomic is the product of ages of afternoons spent talking and having fun together. It's a story with many different everyday life characters that we hope to show off in one single webcomic!
Thank you for visiting this page, supporting our webcomic and be an awesome part of our world.
And don't forget to look up at our pages linked below the description, too!