I've just completed my second comic for hourly comics day,
It's a very busy work day for me so for the most part the comics are pretty rough, that means I'm uploading primarily to instagram... find me @ jimlockeycomics
Hi folks, I haven't updated much. Work, kids, family stuff and other excuses have got in the way but change is coming to my tapastic page and my comics.
Fans of those two guys... be aware that some major changes are in bound... including the name of the series and the design of the characters. I may even remake some of the older comics to put a fine point on the aim of the entire series - it's supposed to be comics about the form of comics- and I feel I can do more to put that idea at the forefront.
Progress on the next heartwood story is happening but it is at a glacial pace. I can only apologise. I don't get a lot of time for that one and I want it to be right.
BUT, tomorrow is gonna be huge here... because I am participating in hourly comics day and will be uploading all my progress here. I don't always have internet access throughout the day so it may end up as just a huge dump of uploads at the end of the day, but boy it is going to be fun
Hi folks.
There is a Heart Wood story in the works, and I've been working on the next Those2Guys story today.
I'm lucky to be able to work on T2G as part of my job, it should drop later this week.
HWT has to be done in my spare time and its a slower process; it is a much bigger story than the first HWT tale and I'm doing my best to up the production quality of the finished work. I'm excited to share the results with you. To stay up to date I reccomend checking out my instagram where I often post work in progress pics.
It is January 1, 2017. And I've uploaded my first comics here. I'm excited to become a part of what seems like a pretty vibrant community here and find my place in it.
I run a project called "the mobile comics factory" (mobilecomicsfactory.wordpress.com) working with children and teens to teach them about comics and get them making their own. Even doing this job I haven't really pushed my self or my own comics a whole bunch. That changes in 2017.