Joined Nov 2017 the outer edges of the universe
My name is Pegeen SC, but you can usually find me around the internet as kaiyaweird.
I call myself an artist and comicker, meaning I love to make art and tell stories. I mostly work with acrylic paint, pencil and ink, and video. And occasionally I dabble in other things. I fell in love with manga at a young age, which is what led me to realize that art is my life and I want to tell stories with it. My dream is to tell stories that move reader’s hearts and takes them on an adventure.
When I’m not doing art or other adulting things, I’m probably reading, listening to music, playing with or cuddling my sweet doggy, playing video games, or going on adventures with the love of my life (;-3).
I’m happy to talk to people, so drop me a message if you’re so inclined. ; ]