As you may have noticed, I've been gone for a while now without saying anything. It's been a year and a half in fact... BUT it was for good reason! I was getting radiation treatment for my thyroid and I was ordered to rest from that, yada, yada, yada... etc. But in the meantime, I've done the following things to make the series more enjoyable:
- Redrawn every single episode until now to my current webcomic artstyle
- Edited and added new dialogue
- Added a couple of new scenes in a some previous episodes
- Fixed grammatic and spelling errors
- Slightly made some redesigns to the characters
- Changed my patreon to just being a tip jar.
- Made a bunch of episodes in advanced to try keep a somewhat consistent upload schedule. (THAT DOESN'T GUARENTEE ANOTHER HIATUS WON'T HAPPEN, it just means that if another DOES happen that it won't be as long as this one)