I just got back on here and I have already gotten 17 of you?! My goodness, and I have 93 views on my I suck, I really do. Comic ASHKDF ><;// thanks so much!
I'm sincerely sorry I can't/couldn't update in forever!
Truth is; I have barely ram on my computer, and yeah ><;//
But I can get a flashdrive and go from there!
X_X" I can't feel sorry for this enough;
more halts on UC because I can't even write it.
I mean I go to, but I get stuck!
Definitely going to keep trying, sorry for making you all wait! )8
Gosh; Sorry guys.
I know you guys are probably waiting for Undercity to update, for a chapter!
But I haven't even written it yet!
I gotta find out what kinda stuff I can draw before I even attempt a first chapter haah.
But thank you for being patient as always.
I'll probably put up a small comic or something!