In a post-apocalyptic world where portals invite the supernatural, a high school girl attempts to live a normal life after becoming a human-wulver hybrid. In other words, the first werewolf.
If you enjoy: werewolves, other mythological creatures, secret identities (main plot is inspired by the cartoon Danny Phantom), sci-fi aspects inspired by the SCP foundation, teen dramas, and discussions regarding mental health, trauma, and exploring sexual expression, then you might enjoy this series.
Download the episodes for free on PATREON here:
I'll upload a new EP every Saturday, but you can read ahead on the Patreon. I currently have 2 episodes up and more are coming soon. 12 are finished and fully edited by a paid professional.
More art on my Deviant Art and Patreon btw! I love illustrating for this series when I'm not writing it. ^.^
My Deviant Art: