Hi everyone! I’ve been kind of absent everywhere lately and I feel like I owe you all some kind of explanation. As seen in my recent Relatable Comic ™ I’ve just been having a heck of a time focusing on anything. At first I thought it was because I was still settling in, then because I was stressing about finding a day job, but that’s all taken care of and I’m still having problems, so I’m not quite sure what to do. I’m trying to push through it. I want to keep creating and eventually finish Dead Heat!
I feel a lot of guilt about the lack of pages, especially for those kind enough to support my patreon, so I have switched the format of it from per month to per page. I feel like this is fairer, because I don’t want anyone to feel as to their money has been wasted. I lowered some tiers a bit as well to accommodate the change. If you are a supporter, please be sure to adjust your pledge and set a cap if you need to! I’ll send out a couple reminders throughout the month just in case. I’m also still working on and taking commissions, so feel free to give me a holler about getting one or getting a status update on the one I owe you!
Otherwise things have been okay! I am so happy to be in a place where I have friends I can visit and where there’s a wider selection of food that I love! Thanks to my day job, I’m finally able to get some dental care I’ve been needing for a while, and I’m back to my native climate so I get to use all my cute warm clothes again! My birthday was on monday and I would have forgotten it had it not been for some others remembering and giving their well-wishes and kind fanart! I am thankful for everyone who continues to read and support my comic. I will continue to try to be on time, and will start more actively using my twitter (@deadheatcomic) to let you all know if there will be delays.
Sorry if this got rambly, I just wanted to explain myself a little. Thank you all for your time and your support! ✨
Chapter 2's all finished up! Chapter 3 will start next week, and I will be changing how I update! I will be sending out notifications for each page each week, instead of only when I start a new chapter. I hope you all have enjoyed the story so far and will continue to read!
Chapter two finally begins! I would like to sincerely apologize for the long wait time. I did not want to make a post without something to show along with it. In case you do not follow me elsewhere, I’ve been dealing with health issues and pain for the last two years that have worsened and slowed my work over the past month. However, I’m gonna power through this and get back to drawing and posting regularly. I originally planned on doing two pages a week starting with this chapter, but I’m going to postpone that for a while until I feel I can actually pull off that output. For now, updates are on Tuesdays as usual, with the addition of color!
I made a twitter just for comic updates and information (@deadheatcomic). If I can tell a page will be late, I will use this to let you know. Thank you for reading!