Hi, my name is Marc and I'm the creator of Homeless Time and Into The Dungeon. Into The Dungeon is available to read right now while Homeless Time is in a redeveloping stage. I hope to spread as much joy to the people with my comics as much as possible and continue what I like to do even if there isn't much joy to go around!
BTW, i'm also going to try to put out updates on other websites that I go to so that way, it lets more people know about my comic and possibly get more interested in it.
Progress Update: Characters for both comics are being developed (including enemies). In Into The Dungeon, a world map will be created to show you where each major character is from, a new (and better) icon is up and as we speak, instead of 4 major characters in Into The Dungeon, there will be 5; but, the 5th one won't be noticed until the characters have entered the dungeon. Thanks for listening!
Hello everyone, it's time for some real talk. I've been busy lately with school and since a week long break is coming, I have decided to postpone Into The Dungeon and Homeless Time for now until I get my stories straightened out. Sorry if you been waiting for new content but this will be it until I get things done.
Hello everyone! I'm happy to tell you that I am making another series! This is a fantasy-type of comic with magic, assassins, demons, and more. The cover is being made right now and I'll still be making Homeless Time too so, don't worry. Even though Homeless Time is not that popular, to me it is popular. Anyway guys, Later!
Trying out the pressure levels on my graphics tablet. I have questions though for those with graphics tablets, what are the benefits with the pressure levels on a graphics tablet?