Realized I'm not good on schedules, and that's the entire reason why I started this series with a pseudonym: to explore the world I'm creating without having to worry about schedules and the like. Uploads will be slower in the coming few months, as I'm going to be working at a camp, but they will come. Expect big dumps on certain days, though! And I mean huge.
So I was looking at the successful novels on this site and they have one thing in common: they release a lot, and frequently. Their first day they push out a lot of chapters.
The Shepherd's Journey came about as an experiment in pure exploratory writing where I would do no planning, and hardly any editing before I released a chapter, namely to break me out of perfectionist habits and my tendency to make worlds that don't feel too lived in, so this might be perfect, actually. Next Saturday there will be a huge dump of chapters. Stay tuned!
Hopefully I can still save the series from irrelevancy because I'm falling in love with the characters and the world the more I write in it, and I want other people to experience it as well. What artist doesn't want others to experience their art?