HI! Thanx for subscribing to my SketchBook series! <3
Just so you know, I make another comic, it's called "Life of My" and it's a little slice of life thing, you know xD lol
If you like finished (for the most part) comic strips, than you'd probably like it ( > W <)/ <3<3 https://tapas.io/episode/725474
Aw i'm sure you say that a lot, you're so sweet. You don't need to go through the hassle and talk to me, you go spend your time doing something more productive. (I promise this conversation will get no where o////o)
Pfft ( U w U) but you see~ your support does make me very happy *hugs* Also I could basically talk forever if you wanted xD I'm pretty lazy most of the time, or working, so if I don't respond quickly, then xD well you get the picture <3
*hug* I'm totally not weird or anything for responding quickly (like way to quickly) noooo not at all ;-; . If you do wanna talk i'm open anytime. But not now. I just started drawing .o. . I didn't think you were gonna respond that quick so i started doodling and now i'm stuck in the paper world. Lets talk again though kay .3. ?