Hey M0N0, I just wanted to know when the next update is going to be! It's been a kind of long time since your last update... I'm so sorry if I'm being forceful or anything, If your also busy with school or work then I'm sorry to bother you. I just love your work and a little worried about you, so let me know if you need anything, cause I'm right here! ;)
In like half an hour, lol. I am slow, which I apologize for! I want to update more than anyone - but tragically it's nothing more than a hobby which I have to balance with other hobbies and responsibilities. Thank you for your patience, and I hope you continue to enjoy my work! ^^
Awesome! thank you so much for letting me know! I'm sorry that it's hard for you and that I am so happy to hear that you love updating! I will also keep loving your work. <3
I just barely read it and sorry I was a little late hehe.... I had to go somewhere real quick for work but the episode was really amazing and i do not deserve you luxurious, beautiful art ;) Thanks so much for blessing my day with this beautiful episode! Have a nice day M0N0! mwa <3
Hey, M0N0KR0M, your "Cloud Nine" story is pretty gross, so I really like it, but I feel really sorry for Souh, poor guy.
And what I don't understand is why Hiroki won't even look up what his dear friend is changing. Thanks for "Cloud Nine."
I am already excited about the remaster version.
Hello! How are u?I love sooo much your comic. My name is Alice (#Ayumichi) and I 'm a part of a group that translates, mangá, DJ and BL webcomics. We would like translate Cloud Nine for the Brazilian portuguese.Already have some translating page? If not, Could you authorize the translation?
Of course we will give you all credit.
Do you have any rules that we should follow?
This is link for site: https://blcomicsbr.wordpress.com/
And this link for the facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BLComicsFansub/
Thanks for the hard job.
Hey Monokrom! Suprise! (:
Aiyla was pretty fun to draw! Not sure if I captured that solemn sort of emotion you always have in your comic but here you go! :'D
Can't wait for more Oversight!