Joined Dec 2015 trashcan
-I'm quiet and emotional and quite scatty sometime (all the time)
-Because I'm so quiet that's why I am easily to forget ;=w=)/
Name: Kat
Birthday: May 19
Gender: Idk how to say this tho =w=
Age: 14
Love : Rainy days, yaoi, drawing, headphones, my children, washi tape, cute thing and cats, sometime dogs too but mostly cats, yaoi
Hate : Babies, Sunny days, hot days, hot thing, hot-headed people, chilly, being question, confusing myself with my own question, annoying people, being mocked at, being laughed at anddddd myself...
(I am not joking about the babies one, I'm cool if they're quiet and dumb, just don't shove them to my face, pls)Read more
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