It's both a sad and happy day today.
Momoka is 1 year old!
It makes me sad I had to stop so soon, but happy I started it at all!
Don't worry, I'm already working on the buffer, and I'm just waiting for July for her definite comeback!
Sorry for the lack of news.
I'm working on both comics right now but we began stop motion classes on college. And they are really time consuming.
I'll try to post soon tho'
Thanks for the patience
I personally think color brings out the story much more.
But if comes to a point like this again, I'll switch.
For now, I'm practicing a faster coloring style.
You could always put them out in black and white and then color them later when you have time. If a specific gag or plot point absolutely requires a bit of color, I don't imagine that coloring, say, someone's hair for a panel or two would increase the workload by that much.