wOW OKAY Hi all! I've been gone....for a long time... I'll be posting some more updates to Third Lunch, along with a new banner soon, but Hope is the Thing With Feathers is basically stagnant. BECAUSE I've decided to restart the story, and tell it in a better way, right now the style is so disparate due to timing that it looks sloppy and is all disconnected. So! Expect new content soon, I'm working on new draft pages as I type this!
Ok so, amendment to previous statement: I will be taking 2 - 3 months off of HITTWF in order to build up my queue! I've got a lot of things happening currently, so being able to work consistently is almost a no - go, so scheduling things for later in the year makes my life infinitely less stressful. So! You're not going to get any real story content for a few months, but I'll probably put up some doodles in the mean time, or you can go check out my other comic, Third Lunch! That I'll probably update more regularly, since it's less work on my end!
Hey all! HITTWF is going to temporarily be updating every 2 weeks instead of every week, just for about a month or so to give me enough time to get a sizeable buffer!! I've only got 2.5 months to build enough buffer to last me into my busy school year, so I gotta space my updates out a bit more. So, when you don't see a new page tomorrow, that's why :) Things will go back to normal soon, since I really would like to update every week!