Sorry for the silence during NaNo, but I would like to let everyone know that I WON!! Barely scraped by, but iwon nonetheless!
Now, for the after NaNo talk; I currently have chapters scheduled to go up through January, which is gonna give me some time to go back over the story with a fine tooth comb for editing, pacing, and characterization issues. However, I have a fan fiction that I've been working in for years that I am going to finish during this time, so all chapters going forward should be considered works in progress, even if they get posted. After I finish that story I'm gonna finish the last ten or so chapters of Ostellan Nights that I need to finish the story, and then we'll see where it goes from there!
Thanks again for all the support and patience throughout NaNo, and here's to more storytelling goodness!
Okay folks, so here's the dealio; for the second year I'm going to be participating in National Novel Writing Month, and I'm going to be doing work on Ostellan Nights for the whole affair. I already have a few episodes lined up in the queue for my usual upload schedule, but I want to put a suggestion to you all; would you rather I keep to my current schedule during NaNoWriMo, or do you want me to speed up my schedule? I'll tell you that with the amount of writing I need to do to meet 50,000 words, I will be able to get an Episode and a bit written every day if I stick to my current Episode length. If I get enough people saying to speed up then I'll reschedule what I have and future episodes for every Tuesday and Friday at the usual time.
Thanks so much for all my current subscribers and readers, and wish me luck in November!
Episode 5 is scheduled for the usual time, and I have some incoming news for readers here (don't worry, it's good). I'll share that in a day or two when I have everything solidified. In the mean time, thanks so much for all the views and subscriptions, and if you like Ostellan Nights then please share it with people who you think would be interested!
Episode 3 is scheduled, and I'm scheduling Episode 4 right now! Thank you so much for all of the positive feedback and subscriptions, my first few weeks on this platform have been stupendous!
Have my second Episode of Ostellan Nights scheduled for Tuesday @ 1 PM Eastern, which is the schedule I plan on keeping to for the foreseeable future (barring unforeseen circumstances like School). Enjoy, and comments/critiques are always welcome!