Hey everyone!
It's been a long time coming, but the next chapter for 'We Live In An MMO?!' is coming out this Saturday!
I'd also like to announce that I'm going to rename the titles of the MMO chapters to better reflect their releases.
Chapter 7 (part 1) = Chapter 7
Chapter 7 (part 2) = Chapter 8
Chapter 7 (part 3) = Chapter 9
Chapter 8 (part 1) = Chapter 10
Chapter 8 (part 2) = Chapter 11
etc.. etc…
Hence, the latest chapter will be re-titled from "Chapter 8 (Part 3)" to "Chapter 12"!
I'll be updating the chapters over the next few days to make some changes to maintain consistency, and to re-title the title covers. Just a heads up in case you notice these changes.
Anyway, thank you so much for your love and support!
Love you much much and I'll see you in the next post! ♥
I love your dancing animations! I love how you keep the rhythm! If you ever have to time i would love to see a tutorial or tips you can share to make good dancing animations <3!
In short; It came to my attention that Patreon practices some really shady policies (in my opinion), and upon educating myself on the matter, I concluded that Patreon's behaviour is not something I'd like RandoWis and this community to be a part of, hence my decision to leave.
I'm currently looking for an alternative, but it the meantime, I'll work on RandoWis at my own pace. Once I've settled down on a new place, I'll make another update to this situation via a YouTube video (maybe). For now, I kindly ask for your patience once more.
Thank you for sharing this! I wish you luck with everything and I can't wait to read more of you comic "We Live in An MMO?!" I really love it! Also, I think I'll share if its alright what you've shared to some friends of mine since they use the site. Thank you again and I wish you well!
Just wanted to say that I'm aware of the dry spell of comics recently and, considering my history when things went silent before, I didn't want anyone to worry about the silence. Without spoiling anything, just know I'm currently working on a few things I'd like to try out for RandoWis. Unfortunately I'm trying them out all at once in an attempt to save time, but ironically, Rando is bad with time management.
Having wanted certain things to be done during the weekdays, that only leaves the weekends for me to pursue these other endeavours for RandoWis. And what else gets made on the weekends? That's right; comics! Shiet!
I'm finding a way to work around this, but chances are we should be back to normal next week! Thank you for your patience and understanding these past few weeks though!
Anyway, love you much much and I'll see you in the next post! ♥